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I have a love of weight training and bodybuilding, and this is truly where my passion lies. I've dabbled in other sports over the years like cycling, running and triathlons, and have always reverted back to bodybuilding and strength training.

I'm definitely a 'helper', and helping people is just as important to me as my love for training. There's no bigger reward for me than helping someone change their life for the better, and I'm so lucky to help people achieve goals they've only ever wished for, or have thought were out of their reach.

That's why I do what I do, if I can help one person to be healthier, fitter, stronger and have a longer happier life, well then my job is done and it couldn’t make me happier.
I've been working in the fitness industry for almost 10 years. In that time I've helped hundreds of people lose weight and reach their fitness goals (check out the testimonials page).


Cert III & IV in Fitness
Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
Metabolic Precision Certified Level 1 – Metabolic Nutrition
Metabolic Precision Certified Level 2 – Body Transformation Specialist
Level 1 Fundamentals of Kettlebell Training
Level 2 Advanced Concepts in Kettlebell Training
Level 1 – Thump Instructor & Boxing Advanced

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All training is structured to optimize calorie expenditure.

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Programs are focused on building lean muscle and strength.

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All programs are tailored to your goals, capabilities and fitness levels.

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These programs are not only focused on strength and muscle building, but overall health and injury prevention too.



Claudine helped me achieve my training goals no matter what they were, from competing in figure competitions to running half marathons. Her meal plans don’t leave you starving and they get results, all you have to do is follow her advice! I have developed a much healthier and socially acceptable relationship with food and been able to maintain my weigh depending on my goals, which means no more yo-yo fad diets.

Training with Claudine will push you to new limits you didn’t know you had in you! I’ve never been able to push myself as hard as I can when I go to one of her training sessions. Over the years, she has taught me how to train heavier safer and got my body capable of doing so while preventing injury. 


I wouldn’t have the body confidence I have today if it wasn’t for training with Claudine ❤️

Shae x

"I have been lucky enough to train with Claudine 2 times a week for the last 2 1/2 years and the change in not only my physical body, but also my attitude towards fitness and healthy nutrition has been dramatic.


Claudine's knowledge, encouragement and genuine care for my well being has been instrumental in me not only losing 20kgs, but she has also supported me through a Rotator Cuff tear & helped me get my HbA1c levels down through a tailor made exercise & nutrition plan. 


I cannot thank Claud enough for everything she has done for me! I love our sessions together"! 

Mel X

My journey with Claudine began online almost 7 years ago, progressing to one on ones not long after and I have never looked back .


Her knowledge, her dedication and her pure honesty to this industry is what makes her one of the best .

Claudine,s guidance and expertise have helped me both mentally and physically .

Knowing I suffer from severe anxiety, she has  educated me on the importance of weight training and nutrition and the benefits both those combined  can have on your mind and body which I will forever be grateful for.


If I was asked one thing that Claudine has taught me over 7 years it has to be  "CONSISTENCY IS KEY" lol if you want results you put in the work and you remain consistent.

and she is spot on. 


I can't recommend Claudine enough , she loves what she does and she is bloody good at it . 


I'm looking forward to seeing what the next 7 years bring with her as my coach !!

Jodie X


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